Key performance indicators

Expected REACT4MED Outputs

Bozulmuş arazinin iyileştirilmesi
Square km affected by the REACT4MED restoration actions


Tanıtılan çözümler
Proven, cost-effective solutions promoted and invested in


Kapasite geliştirme etkinlikleri
Capacity building events for SLWM and soil restoration



Youth empowered

Yayım ürünleri
Products for stakeholders outside REACT4MED


LanDS bünyesindeki karar-destek araçları
Decision support tools included in LanDS


Potansiyel Yatırımcılar
Stakeholders considering SLWM investment



Female empowered

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#Didyouknow that in Asia, under traditional rice farming systems, rodents are responsible for chronic production losses ranging from 5–10% annually? Shockingly, a mere 5% reduction in rice production amounts to approximately 30 million tons, enough to feed 180 million people 🌾

Focus on: #COST#FoodWaStop.
This project, to which PRIMA is partner, represents a significant advancement in the Euro-Med food product domain. It is part of a consortium comprising 69 partners, including 14 PRIMA PS.

Managing #rodents is vital for community health as they can transmit 26 #diseases, including rabies and Lyme disease. Diseases can spread through contact with rodent #droppings, #urine, or #dander. Rats, especially, are prevalent and pose a significant threat to #publichealth.

Last month, @HMUniversity organised its 2nd agro-ecosystem restoration workshop of @PrimaProgram @REACT4MED. Similar workshops across 8 #Mediterranean 🫒 countries are documenting what really matters to local stakeholders in terms of sustainability.

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