The Laboratory of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering (NRMAE) of the Department of Agriculture of HMU is directed by Professor T. Manios, Vice-Rector of HMU. HMU Coordinates REACT4MED, leads WP7 and the Heraklion Pilot Area.
SoftWater is an ICT start-up company, founded at the end of 2017 from two researchers of the Natural Resource Management Group of Politecnico di Milano University. SoftWater leads WP4 and contributes in WP3, WP5 and WP6.
TUC is a modern technological institution that has established a strong international reputation. TUC contributes to WP2, WP4 and WP7
Prof. Pahl-Wostl and her team have 20 years of experience in the field of sustainable water management and governance. UOS will lead WP3 and contribute to WPs4-7.
CyI is Leader of the Cyprus Troodos Mountains Pilot Area, Leader of Task 5.3 and 6.4. The Cyprus Institute is a non‐profit research and educational institution with a strong scientific and technological orientation, created in 2005.
He has extensive experience in transdisciplinary research and stakeholder facilitation, ecosystems services, rural policies, analysing and mapping costs, benefits and trade-offs of water and land management practices and climate change adaptation options.
UH leads WP2 and also contributes to WP3 by introducing a living lab (food forest), to WP4 by collecting and providing data for the development of LanDS tool, to WP5 by investigating biophysical and socioeconomic indicators, and to WP7 by dissemination and public outreach.
UV leads Tasks 2.1 and 2.2 in WP2, as well as the Pilot Area of Cànyoles in Spain. UV is lead by Dr Cerdà who is included in the list of highly cited authors of the Web of Science from 2018 to 2020 in the field of Agricultural Sciences.
INRA's mission is to ensure sustainable agricultural development and natural resources use (water, soil, and biodiversity) through knowledge generation and technology creation. INRA leads WP6 as well as the Merchouch Pilot Area in Morocco.
CIHEAM is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1962 under the auspices of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Council of Europe bringing together 13 Euro-Mediterranean countries. CIHEAM Bari leads in WP5 as well as the Apulia Pilot Area in Stornara and Tarra, Italy.
UTAEM provides scientific and applied services in the field of SLWM under the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policy of The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. In the context of REACT4MED, UTAEM leads the Menemen Pilot Area in Turkey.
PDS has strong expertise in the field of Research and Development, socioeconomic impact assessment, Project Management and Evaluation, capacity building and Training, project dissemination, as well as the development of policy solutions to environmental and societal challenges.
Professor at NRC. He holds his PhD in 2005 and became Professor in 2015. He has a good experience on scientific and demonstration projects, authored over 52 published papers. Key scientific interests: study the plant nutrition and plant physiology, increase the tolerance of plant under abiotic stress, cultivation and production of traditional and non-traditional plants, soil quality management and crop production, optimizing agricultural supply microelement crops, organic farming.
He holds a Master Degree in Public Policy and Administration from the AUC. And PHD in progress in Economics and Law. He has more than 20 years of experience, working with national and international organizations such as USAID, EU, CARE International, Catholic Relief Services, and the International Republican Institute (IRI). He is the founder and CEO of Participatory Development Solutions – ElMahrousa PDS, a regional organization, based in Egypt since 2011.
She has seven years of experience in managing projects in the areas of water management, food security, renewable energy, climate change and poverty alleviations. her work includes organizational management and administration in business and civil society organizations which includes Projects Design, Proposals Development, business plans/models, Project and Program Management, Results-based-Management focusing on monitoring and evaluation, trainings, Capacity Building, knowledge transfer and communication and dissemination.